Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Impact Of Wwi For Artists Paul Nash And Marcel Duchamp...

Research Essay Impact of †¨WWI for artists-Paul Nash and Marcel Duchamp As a number of leading artists got involved in the War, most of the art campaigns stopped. Individual artistic creations became less radical and started to step down from abstraction to concrete representations. In particular, the program in which the government appointed the artists as war correspondents has resulted in some of the most exceptional artworks of this century. This is, perhaps, because the artists have been exposed to wider issues of human nature, which were absolutely catastrophic and tragic. †¨ †¨ As an official war artist who was sent to the Western Front in 1917, Paul Nash was turned from a traditional landscape painter to one with strong anti-war sentiments after experiencing its devastating effects. During the War, his paintings reveal the scenes of total desolation. For example, his painting entitled We are Making a New World, displays a malleable landscape constantly reshaped and redrawn by bombardment and attacks in a heavily ironic way with the sun still arises – The splendid sunrise over the mountains and the landscape only contrasts the fact that the once dense woodland has been deprived of its glory because of the gunfire. This is what the war has created! The ironic title for this barren landscape just reminds people who were part of the War of what they were actually achieving. †¨ †¨ The connection between the WWI and art history can be possibly dated back to

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